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Perennials generally last for several seasons and flower year after year with very little help. They can add a burst of colour to your garden and often have a long flowering season. With just a little care you can buy a few plants and they will continue to keep your garden looking luscious for years to come. If you select the correct plant for your specific conditions, you will have long lasting plants and flowers.
Come in store and chat to our team to get the most out of your space. By adding just a few plants you can make a big difference in the appearance of your garden. By choosing different varieties, you can have flowering plants from early Spring until late Autumn. Established perennials are readily available when the season dictates and seeds are in store all year round.
Many plants not only add colour and scent, but attract crucial pollinators to your beds and borders. These are vital to the reproduction of plants and crops in the area so the more we plant, the better the local ecosystem.
Popular examples include lavender salvia and agapanthus. The Hertfordshire Garden Centre uses local suppliers such as Farplants, Allensmore and Bransford Webbs ensure this section is always well stocked with fabulous specimens.